🈹Discord Bot Commands

  • General Commands - Commands that work in the server

    • !congestion

      • Returns a solana congestion repor

    • !candymachine URL

      • Returns the Candy Machine ID for the NFT's

    • !rug TOKEN

      • Returns a rug report on the token

    • !setup

      • Returns a setup for Anita

    • !guides

      • Returns the guides for Anita (also included in the !setup command)

    • !faq

      • Returns the FAQ for Anita (also included in the !setup command)

  • DM Commands - Commands that work in DMS only

    • !help

      • Returns a list of all the commands you can DM

    • !info

      • Returns your license key

    • !shuffle

      • Shuffles your key

    • !reset

      • Resets your key's metadata - allowing you to use it on another computer.

Last updated